This past weekend was such a blessing. Bright, sunny days, cool water, miles of beautiful Michigan coastline for as far as the eye can see. Our family, used to a more laid-back, unscheduled rhythm, did just fine with living each day to its fullest and falling into bed, exhausted, hours later than normal. With no expectations for how it all would go, we were free to take each moment at a time and make decisions on the fly. It all got me thinking about the expectations I bring to the rest of my life.
People are always asking us if and when we'll buy a house, or where, or what's next on our life agenda. And while there are some things we do plan on for the future, we've found peace in keeping specific expectations and plans small, and hopes large and high. In living a hopeful life, our arms are open wide to possibilities and changes - rather than tied up in forcing through a plan that is just not going our way. It can be easy to get caught up in expectations - for my kids, our homeschool, my husband's career - but the disappointment that follows when those expectations go unfulfilled can take a long time to come back from. Expectations stop me cold - and distract me from the broader plan that, while it may not be mine, is good just the same.
I'm an impatient person, and I tend to get a little unsettled when things don't go the way I had planned - which is why this laying down of expectations is so good for me. When I let go of my vice grip on situations or people, timelines and plans, I find there's more space for grace. In getting out of the way, I make room for God to work in, with and through me.
This way of living is a bit counter cultural, I'll admit. But we've seen how we can end up with a life bigger and better, more full and happy, more blessed - when we open our minds to things we could never have possibly intended. Where specific expectations slam doors shut, hope opens windows you never knew existed. In living life this simply, we're open to more.
So we take each day as it comes. Each moment as it presents itself. Each opportunity with equal weight. Each child as who they are, not who we thought they'd be. There's hope in a life lived this way - hopes that are not bound by what we can imagine, but unbridled and free. In letting go of expectations, I continue on with high hopes - and take each blessing as it comes along.

{It's Mindful Mothering Mondays, a day to take a deep breath and write out your mothering journey, whatever form it takes. A day to link up for encouragement from others who are in this same phase of life. A day of writing out the trials and triumphs and what you're learning right where you are, right now.
You might post recent struggles or thoughts. Maybe just a picture or a quote. Or maybe you'll just come here and read the links that others post. Whatever form your participation takes, this is a day for you.
We are all in this, together. Together, we can encourage and build one another up, be honest with our shortcomings and strengthened by community to keep fighting the good fight.
I chose Mondays because what Mama doesn't need a little encouragement on a Monday? As such, I'll have the link up ready to go on Sunday night for you to begin submitting your links.
I hope you'll meet with me each Monday! Here's what to do ~
Link up your post below. Remember to put the link to the exact post you want to link, and not just your blog url. Include in your post a link back here so others who want to join in can find us! And visit some other Mamas who have linked up.
Post the community graphic within your post, so people who are reading your Mindful Mothering post can come back here and find the rest of us!
Invite the writers of your favorite blogs to join in!
Share this meme with others on facebook and twitter. This community is for all moms, and the more that participate, the more we will be able to enjoy!!}
Grab the graphic here:

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