Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just A Few Things

I've said it before: this summer has been a little tough.  Or a lot tough, depending on the day.  Still, when I take those moments for prayer and put my focus back where it belongs, I am reminded that God is with me always.  In the small, minute details of my day.  In the big things.  And always, always with great abundant love.

In a family with a lot of children, provision has always been one of God's promises that I cling to very tightly.  Provision for our needs to be met - not only the physical, but the mental and emotional as well.  Knowing that He is truly on my side in this vocation keeps my eyes on the prize.  We'll make it, with great joy that only comes from Him.

Last night, we had a stay in date night.  So necessary.  So good!  When getting away isn't a possibility, it's good for me to remember that we can still be intentional about spending good quality time together.  With packed school days ahead on the horizon, I wanted to get everything back to square one.  To write down my top most important things to do each day and make sure I'm living with intent.  God, Husband, Children.  These are the things that matter the very most to me.  Everything else is gravy.

I wrote an article for my church website to share today.  It is a response to our worship this past Sunday, but I thought you may enjoy.

Later this week, a fun new announcement!  And a few weeks later, more good things to share.

There are sunny skies ahead.  It's going to be a beautiful day.

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