Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pulling the Magic Thread : Mom's 30 minute blog challenge

On these warm, sticky days where the energy to move seems to have disapated, the flowers droop in their hanging baskets and wither under the heat frying from above the window boxes.  Tired, worn children's voices take on an extra tinny quality and mamas snap more often (oh yes, we do).  I sit below the ceiling fan, across from the air conditioning set on "high" and think "I can't wait til Fall."  That same heart that yearned for the sunshine and warmth of Summer now longing after the cold, short days of Winter when, inevitably, thoughts will turn to Summer again.

Remember the story of the Boy with the Magic Thread?

Sometimes I think that I am that boy.

Today not going as planned?  Wish for another.  Life not looking quite as pictured? Dream of another.  Anything to avoid appreciating the present, tackling today's troubles and living life one.day.at.a.time.  The trouble is, when life is lived this way, a day will come when you look back on a wasted life, moments left uncollected, people left uncherished, work left undone.  And that is no way to live.

My husband is good at leaving the spool of magic thread alone.  I want to know the plans for next week, a year from now, 5, 10 years down the road.  I want to mold dreams and future realities.  He wants to live on day slowly and deliberately at a time, and largely does.  While my mind flits here and there and from this to that, he is present in this moment of his life, content and satisfied.

Why is it that, just when you think you have it all figured out, you realize you have so much more to learn?

Today I'm putting down my magic thread, locking it away in a drawer and letting the dust bunnies flock around it.  Today I'm living fully in Today.

Today, participating in the 30 minute Mom's Blog Challenge via Steady Mom.


  1. Beautifully written! My husband and I have that same dynamic, but we balance each other out and we learn from each other. I struggle with the same sentiment you shared here, and I too, need to remind myself to JUST BE! :)

    So glad to have found you through Steady Mom's 30 Min. Challenge. :)


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