Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In the beginning...was Love.

Tonight our reading is about the Love Story and they are all lined up on the couch, leaning forward into the most torrid love affair the world has ever seen.  I can hardly look up from the words to make sure they understand, there is a strange mist in my eyes  - they don't seem to notice.  I stop a few times and backtrack, ensure we are all on the same page, that they understand the words I am reading - and each time they urge me on.

Created for Love, by Love, because of Love - each and every human.  Well now, just imagine.  Made in the image of love.  We are the reflection of Love - each of us. 

At the end we bow our heads and I draw a shaky breath.  When I set our feet on this journey, I'm not sure what I thought it would be like.  I surely didn't know it would be like this, this raw, naked, gut-wrenching breaking into a million pieces.

I know these stories.  I was raised on these stories.  But tonight I am seeing them all as though through another set of eyes.  And those four pair of eyes, 2 sets of blue, 2 sets of brown, blinking back at me, they are seeing them fresh as well. 

We all hold hands and I repeat to each one of them - "created for Love, by Love, because of Love - Made in the image of Love.  Each and every one."


Join us as we travel the journey of the Jesse Tree?  Find the beautiful devotional by Ann Voskamp here.

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1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing your heart lydia...i loved this post...we too are doing the jesse tree :)


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