Tuesday, May 17, 2011

::Library Day::

What to do with four little people when the rains pour down and you simply must get out of the house?  Why, head to the library, of course!

Growing up, I lived a block away from the library.  It was an integral part of childhood for me, gathering arms full of books and walking down with siblings, library card in pocket.  Now, living directly behind my childhood home, my children get to have the same experience.

Some things have definitely changed - this beautiful old building was renovated about 10 years back - but some things have been left untouched.  These are the same shelves I perused as an eager young reader.

Is there anything better than spending a rainy afternoon with a book? 

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  1. So fun and so sweet! I think it is so great you live right behind your childhood home.

  2. My love for the library is well known, I hope at least one of your kids will grow up to love the smell of old musty books as much as I do (I think it will be Dinah).

  3. I can't believe how grown up Ben looks in that picture with his hands in his pockets. Where does the time go?!

  4. I love this. I am at the library right now- with a 13 month old who is a bit of an insane challenge at the moment. Your library look so much like mine!


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