Thursday, August 4, 2011

Black Cows

A few days ago we were at the grocery store and Dinah pointed out there was a lady standing near the ice cream section, handing out free samples. Of course we had to take a closer look. Turns out she wasn't just offering ice cream, but root beer floats! Of course we all had to take a taste and, thanks to a sale on ice cream and root beer, brought home the fixins to make our own.

It has been years since I had a root beer float.  The taste still takes me back to being a little kid sitting around my Mom's kitchen table on a hot summer night with all my siblings, watching anxiously as Dad filled 7 glasses with vanilla ice cream and root beer.  He used to call them "Black Cows" and back then I thought it was just a silly name he made up.  Turns out that's actually what they used to be called!

So last night, we made our own Black Cows and carried them out to the deck to slurp on while watching the fireflies come out, one by one.  At one point Ben asked me if I made that name up.

"Nope," I said, "your Grandpa did."

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  1. "speckled cows" vanilla ice cream, coke and crushed Oreo cookies blended. Oh my!

  2. I remember my dad dishing that sanme thing up on hot summer nights. Brings back sweet memories. It is precious that you take your memories of childhood and bring them back to life with your own little ones.

  3. Delightful! Makes me think of summers at my grandparents in Missouri. There were many night we sat out back eating ice cream and watching the fireflys come out. I miss lighting bugs so much living in CA and Mexico, we don't have them here. My parents used to make Purple Cows from grape soda and vanilla ice cream. I think black cows are much better!


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