Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Change in the Forecast

"Order up!  More bread please!"

My four bigs are out on the back porch, snacking on whole wheat bread with butter and honey and playing with what is left of the Christmas boxes before I set them out with the recycling.  Its another bright, sunny, warm January day.  So warm, in fact, that the screen door is the only barrier between their shouting voices and my warm kitchen.  I work fast, buttering slices and drizzling honey and shouting "Order up!" right along with them.

There is snow in the forecast and all of this is due to change.  I know there will likely be snow in April, but this week seems endlessly golden.  Joboy squeaks his trike around the driveway, just like he did all summer long. Hard to imagine we somehow have to get through real winter before Springtime comes for real.

The breeze blows lightly into my kitchen and it smells all wrong, like the earth can't make up its mind whether it is Fall or Spring.  "Neither," I mutter.

The kids seem to have had enough for now, so I slip loaves back in brown paper bags and wipe up crumbs, thinking as I go.  Just like the weather this year, it seems the past 6 months have seen me struggle to land on what and where I need and want to be in my life just now.  I've danced around here and there, playing with different ideas and goals, but none lasted for long.

It took me taking a long hard look and giving myself a stern talking to for me to see, really see, the potential for change, growth and success.  I finally know where I want to be and how to go about getting there.  For me, it was about coming to a place of complete intention.

Intention in my time management.  Intention in my relationships.  Intention in my organization.  Intention in our homeschool.  Intention in my parenting.

It is a big change, and one that is taking time for me to adjust to.  But the benefits?  Well, so far they are blowing me away.

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  1. Oh do share your plans, if you feel led to. I am currently wandering in that desert of seeing where I want to go but no idea how to get there! I am praying and seeking the Lord for wisdom and strength. I do not know how you arrived and what that looks like for your family, but you have given me the courage to keep plodding on. Surely, with all my sincere prayers going up, the next oasis will not be a mirage. I am so glad for you and your family that you are making great progress toward your goals.

  2. Your bread is beautiful :) I hope you can share your recipe for PEACE with me <3


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