Monday, September 3, 2012

Savoring Summer {Mindful Mothering Mondays}

Taking this Labor Day to rest up, refocus, savor and still with this family of mine.  Taking deep breaths and offering up gratitude for this life, this labor of love, this moment in time.  We are so blessed.

{It's Mindful Mothering Mondays, a day to take a deep breath and write out your mothering journey, whatever form it takes.  A day to link up for encouragement from others who are in this same phase of life.  A day of writing out the trials and triumphs and what you're learning right where you are, right now. 

You might post recent struggles or thoughts.  Maybe just a picture or a quote.  Or maybe you'll just come here and read the links that others post.  Whatever form your participation takes, this is a day for you.
We are all in this, together.  Together, we can encourage and build one another up, be honest with our shortcomings and strengthened by community to keep fighting the good fight.

I chose Mondays because what Mama doesn't need a little encouragement on a Monday? As such, I'll have the link up ready to go on Sunday night for you to begin submitting your links.

I hope you'll meet with me each Monday!  Here's what to do ~

Link up your post below.  Remember to put the link to the exact post you want to link, and not just your blog url. Include in your post a link back here so others who want to join in can find us!  And visit some other Mamas who have linked up.

Post the community graphic within your post, so people who are reading your Mindful Mothering post can come back here and find the rest of us!

Invite the writers of your favorite blogs to join in!

Share this meme with others on facebook and twitter.  This community is for all moms, and the more that participate, the more we will be able to enjoy!!}

Grab the graphic here:


If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you.


  1. Taking the day off at my house but wanted to share a post from last week.

    1. Great post and awesome ideas! Thanks for faithfully participating each week!

  2. Looks like you're having a beautiful weekend, Lydia! What an amazing butterfly photograph!

    1. Yes! Thank you - the poor little butterfly was a bit worse for wear, but my oldest was thrilled she lit right on his wrist!

  3. Taking time to be with family is the best!

    1. Yes! We had a wonderful adventurous day and now are all quite tuckered out! A great way to end the summer.

  4. Beautiful pictures! My husband and I have been so wrapped up in "life" right now that we completely forgot that we had a 3-day weekend. Unfortunately, a little girl that I babysit gave my kids and husband colds. In midst of all of the stress that we have encountered over the past few weeks (long story short...pretty expensive foundation and plumbing repairs), we decided to take the kids out to eat at one of their favorite restaurants, and came back home and cuddled up while watching a movie. I cannot describe that amount of relief and comfort that I felt while holding my youngest. I hope that we take these moments to realize just how blessed we are more often :-)


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