Thursday, March 21, 2013

Just Another Week


Today is Dinah's real birthday. Although we celebrated officially on Sunday with family, today is still special. I made her birthday sign and she'll pick dinner and the two of us will go on a special Mama and Dinah outing later on (there may be shamrock shakes involved...).  Dinah is such a special person in my life.  My very first daughter, at 8 years old she has grown into such a lovely young lady.  She is sweet and nurturing, helpful and smart, artistic and creative and just such a joy to me.  I'm so blessed to have her, and as we make our way through this day, I'm remembering many precious moments with her over the years.


Last night after dinner, Dinah casually asked, "So is my birthday sweater ready?"  Um.  Well...the truth is, once the bulk of the knitting was done on her sweater, I've been neglecting it.  So what is a mom to say?  "Sure, I just have to finish up a few things."  Like the sleeves and pockets.  And weaving in ends and sewing on buttons.  I took it along with me to my weekly meetup with a few friends and managed to get both sleeves done and one pocket.  I then stayed up til 2 am, trying to keep my eyes open, knitting those last few rounds on the last pocket.  I finally gave up, when my gritty eyelids kept closing, with just 1 inch to go.  And the weaving in.  And the buttons.  Thankfully, so far this morning she hasn't mentioned it, although her first glance of me revealed me guiltily knitting on a bright yellow pocket.  I managed to get it finished (despite a panicked moment where I couldn't find the buttons for it!) before she was ready to get dressed.  I'll call that success.


I was wondering how to incorporate the Stations of the Cross for the remainder of Lent with my kids, and a friend gave me this book.  It's lovely, and I'm so looking forward to getting started with it!
In other Happy news, I know I say it a lot, but this child is seriously the happiest person I have ever met.  Even today, when he seems to be fighting a little cold, he is all smiles, dancing, singing, laughing.  All joy, that one.  We are so lucky to have his sunshine in our lives every day!


No matter how prepared you feel, how on top of things you are, something can still go wrong.  I'm such an optimistic person, a fatal flaw at times, it seems, that I can forget this.  Like yesterday morning, when my dishwasher decided a week before my due date was an excellent time to start belching gallons of water all over my kitchen floor.  Sigh.  Hopefully the man who installed it 6 months ago will be back today, and hopefully it is a quick fix.  Although I have many friends with dishwashers, goodness...I am quite addicted to mine.

Linking up with {Pretty, Funny, Happy, Real}

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  1. What a beautiful, snuggly blanket. Your children have such gentle eyes.

    1. Thank you, Mary! My Aunt made that one for my first baby many years ago.

  2. ah dishwashers, been there done that, LOL. mine conked out a week before Thanksgiving! it literally died all the way. Since the holidays were coming up, I decided to hold off on the dishwasher until after Christmas. So for nearly 2 months, I washed all dishes by hand. At first it was an adventure and fun, after about a week, it was drudgery and I barely kept up. I was so happy when we got a brand new dishwasher and had it installed. I love to cook from scratch, plant a garden, do things frugal, etc. but when it comes to dishes, I do like to have a dishwasher. If I fill the dishwasher and have a sinkful still left on the counters, I will then wash those few by hand.

    1. I've been so horrible - using paper plates! I'm just too tired to do 3 meals a day, 7 people per meal worth of dishes.

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  4. That sweater is adorable! Your children are cute! Happy birthday to your girl!

  5. Nice sweater. I like the layout of your blog too. Pretty, clean.

  6. Beautiful sweater! Your little guy is so cute!

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  9. Oh that sweater is just lovely! I have seen it around before but yours, well, it is the first to make me really want to make it!

    Happy birthday Dinah! Love your sweater! :)


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