Thursday, May 15, 2014

What's Going On

It's Spring and rainy and somewhere between dealing with all of the mud that is continuously tracked in on shoes or, in some cases, entire bodies and trying to nail down our summer plans before the entire thing is over in a flash (because that happens, almost every year), I've been finding little moments here and there just for me. It's been good, because I'm learning more and more about myself that I need a little mental peace in order to effectively handle the chaotic world I live in. Thankfully, for me, I can find that peace right smack dab in the middle of where I happen to be, with a few of the things that bring me the very most satisfaction.

Lately, I've been -

Knitting - a ton of shorties. Mostly for friends, but have a pair for Rosie on the needles right now. I'm trying out the bloomer look this time, just the right shade of pink to pair with her Mama-made dress, packed and ready because I'm

Traveling - this weekend, to Connecticut to see my sister. It has been way too long. I used to go yearly, usually in the fall, to visit my older sister and her family. Just a weekend reprieve to sip coffee and watch 90's movies (Empire Records and Hackers? Yes please) and talk the way only sisters do. It's been 3 years since my last visit, so when she asked what I'd like for my 30th birthday present? I asked for a plane ticket. I'm so grateful for this gift from her and for my family who is making the necessary adjustments so that I can go. I'll be taking Rosemary, of course, but everyone else will be here with Daddy.

Baking - less than normal. This past week we have had a range of temperatures from rainy and cold to hot and humid. But today, today is my husband's birthday so I'm trying, for the first time, my hand at a cheesecake for him. Just basic, no frills, recipe from the back of the Philadelphia box cheese cake. Dressing it up with some strawberry rhubarb compote and calling it good. He wants sushi for supper and this is hardly a traditional follow up to that, but I think it will turn out all right.

Planning - on potty training Peter. He's my fifth, so you think I'd have this down by now, but each time I think about it, I cringe. I know he'll be fine but it's been easy to just keep putting it off for one reason or another. At nearly 3 years old, he's my oldest baby ever in diapers. I know I'll get to it, and soon...but for right now, I'm putting it off for one more day.

Reading - "The Amazing Thing About the Way It Goes" by Stephanie Pearl-Mcphee. I love her so, so much and was so happy J told me to just buy it already for my kindle. I usually fall asleep after reading just a few paragraphs, which is not reflection on the writing, just my exhaustion level. I'm ok with that, though, because I kind of want to savor this book.

Learning - Yoga. Just on my own for now, wanting to just try it out before begging the budget to maybe let me take just one class a week? I started out with the 30 day Yoga challenge by Erin Motz on Youtube (free!) and really loved it, and her. It's free, which is just about my price range at this time. I'm feeling more flexible and definitely stronger. Yoga isn't actually easy, which I think surprised me, but for now, when 15 minutes per day is about all I've got, it fits me just right.

Exploring - parks with my kids on the nice days. I'm making a list of the places nearby with just a little bit of water to play in, since that seems to be what holds the interest of all of my children at once. Just a little, not enough for life vests or panic attacks if you lose sight of one for a moment or two, but a little bit to build dams and float sticks and get good and filthy before tracking it all back into the van. I'm loving every minute of it.

What are you up to?

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  1. Lydia, your blog is the one and only blog I can keep faithful too. So many blogs seems like another world - a world of perfection. I appreciate your openness about life's normalness, not to mention craziness. Thank you for your weekly encouragement to me and many others whom you don't even know personally. I also have a blog ( I use it to keep myself on track, because I'm by no means popular) and find that if you think that others are benefiting than you are benifitng 10 times more! Thanks again! Sarah
    p.s. the cheesecake recipe on the box is one of the best!! Good luck!

  2. The Paula Dean cheesecake recipe is very easy and delicious. It is my go to for cheesecake :)

  3. Let me know when you can come to Mill Pond Park in Saline... I'll join you!

  4. I'm getting back to yoga too! It's a bit hard to do without an instructor, because yes as always: the budget. But I love how I feel when my body is all stretched and limbered up. I sleep better and I am able to have calmer moments in the midst of All The Noise. Other than that, my garden is my zen place.

  5. Luis Suarez enggan pergi dari Anfield

    Berita terbaru dan terkini bola Soccer dari Agen bola Indo11 - Luis Suarez kembali menegaskan kesetiannya pada Liverpool. Dia menyatakan tidak akan meninggalkan The Reds karena sudah berada di salah satu klub terbaik di dunia.

    "Tim Liverpool menurut saya adalah salah satu yang terbaik di dunia karena tak seorangpun di ruang ganti merasa dirinya lebih baik dibanding pemain lain, dan selain itu seluruh orang di Melwood bekerja dengan sangat baik," jelas Suarez.

    Agen bola Indo11 Terpercaya - Atas performanya yang luar biasa baik, beberapa klub kaya Eropa disebut terpikat padanya. Real Madrid dan Barcelona adalah yang paling gencar disebut siap memboyong Suarez ke Spanyol.

    "Saya menandatangani kontrak karena saya menyukai berada di sini dan saya habagia di sini. Jika Anda tidak bahagia di sini makan Anda tidak akan menandatangani kontrak. Saya menyukai berada di sini dan saya menyulai mentalitas di sini, karena mungkin di ruang ganti yang lain (ada anggapan) saya lebih besar dari yang lain dan ada yang lebih besar lagi. Jika kondisinya seperti itu akan sulit bermain bersama rekan-rekan Anda di atas lapangan," tutupnya.

  6. UEFA menjatuhkan dua hukuman kepada Manchester City

    Berita terbaru dan terkini bola Soccer dari Agen bola Indo11 - UEFA menjatuhkan sanksi berat pada Manchester City karena terbukti melanggar aturan soal Financial Fair Play. The Citizens diwajibkan membayar denda 60 juta euro dan pengurangan skuat untuk partisipasi di Liga Champions.

    Agen bola Indo11 Terpercaya - UEFA menjatuhkan sanksi denda sebesar 60 juta Euro (Rp 938,4 miliar) pada City. Bukan cuma denda, UEFA juga menjatuhkan hukuman lain berupa pengurangan jatah pemain di Liga Champions musim depan. Dari sedianya diperbolehkan memasukkan 25 nama pemain, untuk musim depan The Citizens cuma bisa mendaftarkan 21 nama saja.

    Sanksi pada The Citizens juga mencakup kewajiban menjaga jumlah pengeluaran gaji di musim 2014/2015 sama dengan musim 2013/2014 ini. Jika kedapatan menyalahi aturan, City diancam hukuman lebih berat. Namun jika bisa memenuhi apa yang disyaratkan UEFA, maka di musim 2015/2015 mereka akan bisa kembali mendaftarkan 25 pemain di Liga Champions.

    Melalui pernyataan resmi yang dirilis di situs resminya, City menyatakan menerima hukuman tersebut. Sebagai catatan, City menderita kerugian sangat besar dalam dua tahun terakhir. Kerugian di 2012 dan 2012 mencapai jumlah 149 juta Euro.

  7. Hi Sarah! Thanks for reading and being an encouragement to me! The cheesecake turned out amazing!

  8. I will definitely be checking that out!

  9. That's one of our favorites! I definitely will!

  10. Gardens are so good. We haven't really started ours yet this year but I'm hoping to get out there this weekend!

  11. Herrera Melakukan Test Medis Di Manchester

    Berita Olah Raga Terbaru dari Agen Bola Cityholidaybet – Ander Herrera diberitakan telah tiba di Inggris dan dirumorkan akan bergabung dengan MU,setelah menyelesaikan tes medis,Dikutip dari laporan Harian AS.

    Saat Setan Merah ditangani David Moyes ,pemain tersebut dirumorkan akan gabung ke Manchester United dimusim lalu.

    Athletic Bilbao dan United telah menyepakati dana sebesar 30 juta pounds untuk Herrera atau sesuai dengan klausul buyout dan akan mendapatkan kontrak sampai 2019.

  12. Neymar Minta Rekan-rekannya Waspadai Sanchez

    Berita Olah Raga Terbaru dari Agen Bola Cityholidaybet – Neymar penyerang asal Brazil meminta rekan setimnya agar mewaspadai pergerakkan Alexis Sanchez,pada laga 16 besar nanti.

    Neymar mengaku dirinya cukup dekat dengan Sanchez ia bahkan masih menjalin kontak dengan rekannya(Barcelona) tersebut di piala dunia ini.”Saya sering berkomunikasi dengannya di Telephone dan sekarang kami akan saling berhadapan ,”ungkapnya seperti dikutip oleh situs resmi FIFA.

    “Dia adalah seorang pemain bintang.Saya sangat mengaguminya .Dia adalah pemain hebat dan kami harus berhati-hati terhadapnya ,kami tak boleh memberikannya ruang sedikitpun,”seru Neymar.

  13. De Rossi Sindir Super Mario

    Berita Olah Raga Terbaru dari Agen Bola Cityholidaybet – Daniele De Rossi gelandang timnas Italia merasa kesal saat Italia gagal di piala dunia 2014,sejumlah hal pun disalahkannya ,termasuk diantaranya menyalahkan Balotelli.

    “Pastinya ada sejumlah komponen yang mempengaruhi hasil ,seperti panas atau wasit,tapi kami tak boleh terpaku pada hal itu,”kata De Rossi (25/6)

    “Kami juga membutuhkan pria sejati ,bukan striker Karakter atau Panini ,tak ada gunanya hal semacam ini di Nazionale,”sindirnya.

  14. Drogba Incar Trofi EPL Dibandingkan Rekor Individu
    Agen Bola Terpercaya melaporkan, Didier Drogba menegaskan bahwa dirinya kembali ke Chelsea untuk membantu The Blues meraih kembali trofi Premier League yang sudah tak pernah mereka genggam sejak tahun 2010 lalu.

    Drogba akhirnya kembali ke Chelsea setelah hengkang dari klub tersebut pada tahun 2012 lalu. Setelah sempat berpetualang ke Tiongkok dan Turki, ia akhirnya kembali ke Stamford Bridge pada musim 2014-2015 ini. Pemain asal Pantai Gading ini dikontrak selama satu musim saja.

    The Blues sendiri terakhir kali menjadi juara EPL pada musim 2009-2010 lalu. Oleh karena itulah, Drogba bertekad untuk membantu Chelsea merebut trofi itu kembali.

    "Saya tak datang ke sini untuk memecahkan rekor. Saya hanya ingin memenangkan banyak trofi," tegasnya.

    "Lima tahun adalah waktu yang lama untuk tak memenangkan titel Premier League. Jadi, saya ingin memenangkannya. Bisa mengangkat trofi EPL adalah perasaan yang fantastis, dan kami sudah tak merasakannya selama beberapa tahun. Hal itu sudah terlalu lama bagi klub seperti kami," keluh pemain berusia 36 tahun ini.


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