Monday, October 27, 2014

Small Is Big #MindfulMotheringMondays

My house is little. I've written about it more than a few times, usually as our family is expanding and I'm wondering just how we will fit one more person in. I'm always hoping for something bigger, something better, wondering if maybe this will be the year when the stars align and we find ourselves somewhere that makes a bit more sense for a family of 9.

I use it as an excuse for not being more hospitable, which I know is wrong. It keeps a wall between me and others. Instead of extending what we have in love, I hold it close and feel that something that is hardly enough for us could never be good enough for someone else. Deep down I know that it has nothing to do with the state of our space, but the state of my heart. Pride always gets in the way.

This weekend my husband's parents visited. It was the perfect fall weekend full of everything good. On Saturday afternoon I found myself making dinner in the kitchen. The sun was shining brilliantly outside where we had just finished carving pumpkins, pushing kids on swings and leaping into leaf piles. In our little dining room, around our tiny table that hardly seats us comfortably, a game of Apples to Apples was in full swing. In the living room, knitting and pick up sticks and books. All was calm and quiet. All was cozy and happy and I found myself thinking for maybe the first time - that this place didn't seem too small. With six kids and four adults, it felt, if anything, just right.

I suppose that's how it goes. When you start looking around for what you have, not what you lack, you realize that the life you are waiting for is happening today. Right now. Snug with the people I love the most, I can see that we are nothing if not excessively, abundantly blessed.
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  1. Loved this! Sweet contentment... Thank you for sharing yours. May you continue to see and enjoy God's blessing over you.

  2. Ah yes! So much joy, gratitude and love {enough} in the very moment. Sometimes I think deep down we know this, but need the reminder all the same. A similar discussion this weekend at our place, and we decided to put planned house renovations on hold. Sure they would make the house look new and feel fresh, but are they necessary right now - no not one bit :) Beautiful post xx


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