Sunday, June 20, 2010

For J

Back in 2003 when we started this parenting journey together, I really had no idea what kind of dad my husband would turn out to be.  I don't think he knew, either.  I certainly wasn't sure what sort of mother I'd be, and certainly over the years my mothering patterns and emphasis have changed.  This is also true of J.  He has grown and changed so much as a father.  One thing I have come to see is that he lives each day a better dad than the day before.  He inspires me to be a more patient mother and  his obvious enjoyment of his kids challenges me to let the little stuff go and just love them.

We started down this road upon the birth of our first child.  Today, nearly 7 years later, J is daddy to 4 beautiful kids, all secure in their father's love for them.

Well done, J.  I couldn't have chosen a better man to work alongside on this crazy life.  We've been blessed beyond measure.

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