Monday, October 4, 2010

Simple Gratitude

Driving home on a quiet night, hours after I would normally be sleeping, I turn the corner and start down my street. Passing house after house of darkened windows, I finally turn into my driveway and see my little house, my home, where someone still waits up for me and a light is shining, guiding the way back. And in that moment I can't help but be so thankful - for the Light and the One who waits and waits and greets with a smile.

Simple gratitude for today.

317)the privilege of watching a new life pass into this world - breathtaking.
318)a community that loves me through failings
319)no such thing as too much love.
320)dancing around the living room with my 4 plus daddy before bedtime
321)marriage - such a beautiful gift
322)waking to little people snuggled up in my bed
323)talks with my mom
324)icy cold mornings and steaming hot mugs
325)babies in pajamas
326)glory found in brilliant leaves tumbling to the ground
327)grace for daily imperfection

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1 comment:

  1. So glad I stopped! Just making my way through the many gifts this day! What a journey! :-)


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