Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What I Didn't Do Wednesday - a Quest for Authenticity

 from (no this is not my house...I promise)

Who is ready for another round of authenticity amongst friends? I am. Its time for my (hopefully) weekly installment of "What I DIDN'T Do Today - a Quest for Authenticity."  You can use any day of this week as your "Today" to write about.  Let's hear it!

I'm going first!!

I have 3 laundry baskets with folded clothes perched at the top of our stairs (you know, so no one else will know...) that have been waiting to be put away for several days.

Everyone wants a big "family breakfast" this morning but I'm refusing and feeding them cold cereal.

I forgot to run the dishwasher last night so this morning I had no clean dishes.  I hand washed the ones I needed and put them in the sink when I was done.  Sink full of dirty dishes + dishwasher full of dirty dishes.  Nice.

Write your own post and link back here, comment below or join the discussion on facebook.  Snuggle into that robe (be it 4:30 pm or not), grab another cup of coffee (or glass of wine...) and share your shortcomings.

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  1. Ugh, I didn't cook a nice breakfast, had bagels instead. I ate a piece of cake for breakfast, don't tell my midwife! I didn't clean at all and I am reheating leftovers for dinner. Oh, oh and I didn't switch the laundry out of the washer so it needs rewashed.... for the 2nd time.

  2. Ha, love this! Let's see, yesterday we finally put away the clean laundry that lives on my bedroom floor, breakfast is usually cold cereal, my kids argued on and off throughout the day, and dinner was leftovers from the last two days, so no real cooking, just reheating. I should have paid the bills yesterday, vacuumed the carpets, and pulled something out of the freezer for today's dinner, but didn't. Which reminds me, I need to ask my son what he wants me to cook for dinner tonight because it's his birthday - he's 6. Ooops! Off to do that now.

  3. Love this! Today was a "What I Didn't Do Today" kind of day! I didn't make the beds or follow through on the laundry (the dryer just buzzed!) And among the laundry list of things I didn't do, at the top of the list was not taking the time for me today - body, mind and spirit. Thank God (truly, thanking Him) there is always the blessing of tomorrow! "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning." Lamentations 3:22


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