Monday, December 27, 2010

The past few days have been so lovely. Although we've ventured out a bit here and there, we've been mostly home - together. Here in our snug house I've been trying to pick up a little less and just enjoy this mess and these people - discovering new books, dressing and re-dressing new dolls, exploring the rooms of a doll house, working together to create an awesome lego castle.

It has been - peaceful. Simple. I'm savoring each moment. Although Daddy wasn't able to take any time off, his normal "weekend" fell on the 26th and 27th so we've enjoyed a few days with him home, making breakfast, wrestling little people, pushing Joboy on his new scooter.

Today I am reluctantly returning to regular rhythms - laundry needs to be done and the floor could use a good sweeping.  Life doesn't stop just because we are all lounging in pajamas, eating left over cookies for lunch!

In the back of my mind I have been hatching a plan that I hope to share with you all at the advent of the New Year - still ironing out some crinkled ideas in the few moments of silence I've been able to collect.

Wishing you and yours a lovely week!

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