Thursday, April 28, 2011


I leave the window open when I slip into bed, hear those first few drops splashing their way down, finding leaves and grass and mixing up the earth. I snuggle in and inhale - no perfume on earth can rival the scent of rain in Spring.

And, when it all stops, slowly we make our way out into the day, marveling at the crystalline drops sprinkled on leaf buds, flowers bowed low.  Experiencing, as if for the first time, the wonder of brand new life beginning in front of our very eyes. 

It all makes me think of those first few days, after the dark and uncertainty and fear, when the Son shone and all was as it should be.  Once mired neck deep, Easter people, emerging from hiding places, washed clean, out into the Light.

Here, we witness the miracle, experience the grace, and revel in the wonder - Easter every day.
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