Monday, August 8, 2011


I've been absent, distracted.

I've got 6 posts started that need editing and finishing before I share with you all, and yet none of the stamina or creativity to finish them up.

Just as well - Summer is winding down and soon it will all be over.  There is a time for the glow of a computer screen, and a time for leaving it all behind and taking a few moments to breathe and reflect.  The mad dash of fall will soon be upon us, so for this week I will be taking a step back to savor what's left.

Looking forward to sharing more with you soon!

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  1. I love unplugging! I always say 'I blog about parenting in the present, sometimes it's nice if I actually do it:-)'

    many summer blessings!


  2. I took a "leave of absent" at the beginning of the summer. We ALL need it from time to time!

    Enjoy your break and the last few weeks of summer! :)

  3. There is a time for the glow of computer screen...yes.

    May I comment on that pink suit? ADORABLE!


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