Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Lately, we have been:

Celebrating - one year turn around the sun for our little Peter.  So blessed we are to have him!

Enjoying - a visit to White Lotus Farms on their monthly kid day.  The baby pigs were very nearly smuggled into the trunk of the van, so much did my kids enjoy them!

Realizing - this heat is not going anywhere, and we need to figure out how to live with it.

Finding - a summer routine that works: chores in the morning, basic survival in the afternoon.  Siestas for all help, too.

Eating - warm weather foods: salads, cold sandwiches and lots and lots of watermelon

Embracing - summertime in all it's glory - swimsuits and sunscreen, popsicles and kiddie pools.

Knitting - a little something for a friend.

Planning - a birthday for our soon to be 9 year old.

Hoping - to install another air conditioning unit this weekend.

Reminding -myself to be thankful in all circumstances, knowing that even the challenges of life are fertile ground for growth and grace.

What have you been up to lately?

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