Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer Glow

Well, this week has been a bit hectic, and it's only Wednesday!  To give a peek into what we are up against, the washing machine, car and TV have all taken a turn breaking down.  And now our internet service is being a bit spotty.  Add to that driving the girls back and forth to vbs every day and, well, it makes sense I am a little frazzled.
The good news is, the weather has broken.  The forecast for the coming week is all sunshine and 70s, my favorite.  These cooler mornings and crisp evenings, although it is still midsummer, carry a hint of fall.  And so, I've been knitting again, this time a little something pumpkin orange.
I am knitting the sunshine cardigan pattern with swish.tonal in harvest.  So far I have split for the sleeves and am working my way down the body.  I chose to do the faux cable pattern and it is really working out sweetly.  This is the sweater pattern I am planning on doing for Rosie's fall cardi, too, so it has been fun to take it on a trial run.
You will have to excuse the photos - they are phone pictures, and I will be back later today with links to the sweater pattern and yarn.  Happy knitting!