Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Baby Sweaters and Summer Reads

Finishing something is, in my experience, a complete rush - followed almost immediately by the need to create more. Within moments of packing this little sweater up for it's intended recipient, I cast on another in limited edition malabrigo sock.  It's been a long time since I have actually finished a knitting project, so this one nailed me right between the eyes. There are many aspects to what fuels my knitting passion - selecting yarn and patterns, casting on, moving through the pattern and then finishing and blocking. Blocking may be the hardest part. I know everything looks better blocked, but doesn't it sometimes seem like it takes forever? But really, finishing something completely, blocked and photographed and given away - that's what does it. Oh, I love that part. Ravelry notes for this little beauty can be found here. I will definitely knit this sweater again.

In book news, I finished up "Unbroken"  by Laura Hillenbrand last weekend. Really an excellent read. I'm not sure I'll want to see the movie, but I'm glad I read the book. Before that I read Lois Lowry's "The Giver," a book everyone seemed to have read growing up but I never did. I requested Elizabeth Esther's book "Girl at the Edge of the World" through our library and it should be along shortly. Apparently this is my year for reading spiritual memoirs. And recently published books. My husband has been wanting to read "The Skeleton Crew" by Deborah Halber and it sounded interesting to me as well, so we borrowed the audiobook and are listening together. A little survival, a little futuristic utopia, a little spiritual memoir, a little who-dunnit. Yep, that sums up my interests nicely. All that's missing is homeschool reference and I think we're good.

{Ordinarily I would be linking up with Ginny today over at Small Things, but due to recent events I am not sure she will be blogging today. I hope you join with me in praying for Sarah's family as well as Ginny as she walks through the grief of losing such a dear friend.}

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