Monday, October 31, 2011

A Grateful Day

This weekend, a whirlwind.  Today, so grateful

For the healing of my husband.

For my in laws, their grace and kindness and love.

For my sisters Esther and Prisca, who came to the rescue when I needed them the most.

For my brother Noah and his precious wife Amanda who stayed late in the night so I could be at the hospital with my husband.

For the friends who stormed Heaven's gates with their prayers.  The peace and calm I felt all weekend was surely a result of the prayers that were sent on my behalf.

For the offers of food, childcare, car use, and general help that were emailed, texted, tweeted, and phoned to me from the start.  For those friends who offered to set aside their weekend plans to minister to me.  Thank you.

This weekend, I saw first hand that I am surrounded by love.  It takes my breath away.

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